Liz has significant practical experience in Quality Assurance and Food Safety across many SME’s within New Zealand. She is well respected in the industry and excels at providing the quality systems and platforms for small businesses to grow to the next level.
Liz is a hardworking conscientious person with excellent written and oral communication skills. She enjoys a challenge, and has a meticulous eye for detail.
Through her experience Liz is well versed in:
- WQA (Supplier Excellence) Standards
- GMP and Internal Audits
- Full Document Management Lifecycle - FSP/FCP, RMP
- Staff Training
Past roles have included:
- Contract Food Safety and Quality Assurance Manager
- Quality Assurance Manager
- QA Technician/Coordinator
- Microbiology Laboratory Supervisor
- Chef
Past Employers/Contracts:
- Paneton Bakery
- Joy Ice Cream
- Supreme Meats & NZ Deli
- Epicurean Dairy
- Nutricia (Danone)
- Piako Gourmet Yoghurt
- The Grate Kiwi Cheese Company
- Old Fashioned Foods
- Tegel Foods
- Bluebird Foods
- Irvines (Goodman Fielder)
- AgriQuality Ltd (now AsureQuality Ltd)
- Sanford Ltd
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